My Older Cat Is Sleeping More Than Usual

Posted by Life Of Open

Your cat may be reluctant to jump, walk up and down stairs, have difficulty getting up from laying down, exhibit restlessness, and have difficulty finding a comfortable place to rest. The truth is, it’s nothing to be concerned about.

More common problems such as colds, the flu and allergies could also cause your cat to sleep more frequently.

My older cat is sleeping more than usual. If your cat is displaying extreme lethargy then it. She's very quiet and doesn't want to play or run anywhere at all. Since your cat will be drinking more, they’ll also be peeing more.

Sleep provides an opportunity for a senior cat to heal its aching bones, joints, and muscles. You may have cause to worry. However, if you notice that your cat has drooled more than usual or smells even worse than usual then there could be many reasons for this.

Avoids favorite resting place (and finds places to hide instead); Anemia, or loss of red blood cells. Often, as cats become older, they become much less active.

A cat that’s aged 11 years or older may spend up to 20 hours a day asleep. Pet health network states that if your cat suddenly changes from being up during the day to being up all night and vocalizing, he may be indicating that he isn't well by showing these. Most cats eat twice as much as their own body weight.

As your cat gets older, he will naturally sleep a little more. If your young cat is not as active when they awake from a normal cat nap or disinterested in play, they might be sleeping more because they are ill. If your cat begins to sleep a lot more or a lot less than is usual for him/her there may be a health issue, it's time to visit your vet.

It’s good to engage in some cat talk and to give your cat the extra attention she seeks. Curling in a ball or adopting the fetal position suggests that your cat is struggling to stay warm. Vocalization is a form of communication for cats, so listen to your cat and pay attention to what she is saying.

Liver and gall bladder diseases can also make cats sick and lethargic. Lethargy is a common symptom of many different feline illnesses. Time to call the vet.

One of the major reasons why is my cat drooling and smells bad is because of overfeeding. Geriatric cats also sleep about 18 hours a day, but they tend to have a very specific routine once awake, prowling about for a period of time, looking for food or attention, and then returning for another nap. As a veterinarian, the most common medical problem i see in older cats who spend less time catnapping is an overproduction of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland, known as hyperthyroidism.

In addition to seeking out unusual sleeping places, a sick cat may demonstrate changes in his sleep patterns, such as sleeping much more or much less than usual. Time to call the vet. Cats who begin to sleep more than usual could be ill or experiencing pain.

You may be used to your cat sleeping a lot of hours, however as your cat gets older, he will tend to sleep more to conserve his energy. I have a 16 week old kitten that out of nowhere became unable to walk, eat or drink. If your cat is anemic, their gums will be a lighter pink than they should be, or even white in extreme cases.

Misses or doesn't use litter box; By kristen (new jersey) my almost 2 year old cat has been sleeping a lot more then usual. You’ll notice you’re cleaning the litter box a lot more than you were.

This can give your cat an unkempt or scruffy appearance. My cat has been sleeping more than usual the past two days. I have a 16 week old kitten that out of nowhere became.

An older cat may exhibit the following signs: They may not have much interest in things other than food. Older cats are prone to chronic kidney disease or failure.

My cat is an older cat that seems to take no interest in toys and sleeps all the time. When to be concerned about a cat’s sleeping habits if your cat is sleeping more than usual: While senior cats will naturally want to rest for longer than a young adult cat, the sleeping position that a cat assumes could be a sign of sickness.

While most geriatric cats sleep more than they did in the days of their youth, if your senior cat is sleeping less, this may indicate she has a medical problem. Older cats may have a hard time grooming themselves, and paired with a declining appetite, may lose weight or become dehydrated. This is a perfectly normal way for elderly cats to recuperate.

Changes sleeping or eating patterns; You may also notice changes in sleeping patterns—the cat may sleep more or less and may sleep in. If your senior cat wants attention more often, she can show it in many different ways.

Yes, like with humans, if an individual sleeps way more than normal, it may be cause for alarm. This may be due to the fact that the body tries to fight the disease and requires more rest time. A lifetime of hunting, jumping, and chasing takes a huge toll on a cat’s body.

However, your older cat has a weaker immune system and is more susceptible to disease, so you must be aware if he is. On the other hand, if your cat begins sleeping less than usual they may be suffering from hyperthyroidism or other conditions. Your cat may become more vocal.

Does your cat usually sleep around 16 hours a day and yet has magically started sleeping 20 or so hours instead? Help with gentle grooming, if your cat will let you. Illness a cat that is ill may sleep more than usual.

Your cat’s meow is generally a call for attention of some sort. I try to help her but she just barely ceawls and its a left circle. He only gets up if he hears food.

I let my cats in my backyard and they don't leave it. Cat sleeping more than usual. This disease is a progressive loss of kidney function and often cats appear weak, frail, or tired and sometimes vomit, drink more than normal, or urinate more than normal.

She may cry or even try to claw you if soft brushing hurts, so follow her cues in how much physical contact.

Pin by Wendy Latimer on Schipperkes! Dog ages, Dogs, Old

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